March 14, 2025


SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENT number ___5__ to HOUSE BILL 5, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Senator Duhigg

    1. Strike Item 8 of Senate Floor Amendment number 1.

    2. On page 4, line 3, strike "nine" and insert in lieu thereof "seven".

    3. On page 4, line 13, strike ", who shall have specialized expertise in the federal" and strike lines 14 through 18 and insert in lieu thereof "; and".

    4. Renumber the succeeding paragraph accordingly.

    5. On page 4, line 20, strike "; and" and insert in lieu thereof a period.

    6. On page 4, strike lines 21 through 25 and on page 5, strike line 1 and insert in lieu thereof:

         "B. The committee shall elect a chair from the committee's membership.".

    7. Reletter the succeeding subsections accordingly.

    8. On page 8, strike lines 18 though 20.

    9. Renumber the succeeding paragraphs accordingly.

    10. On page 9, line 5, after the semicolon, insert "and".

    11. On page 9, strike lines 6 through 12.

    12. Renumber the succeeding paragraph accordingly.

    13. On page 12, line 3, after "A", insert "of this section".

    14. On page 14, line 11, strike "or at a significant risk of such an injury".

    15. On page 17, between lines 8 and 9, insert:

         "B. The attorney general shall develop and implement procedures to prevent conflicts of interest in the investigation or prosecution of the department or an employee of the department, including procedures regarding segregation or sequestration of information related to such investigations or prosecutions.".

    16. Reletter the succeeding subsection accordingly.


                                    Katy M. Duhigg

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)

                  Date _________________